Self Love

Self Love with VitalEssence Living Massage Therapy & Self-Care Education

Self love and the words we tell ourselves.

February is the month of hearts, chocolate and love. Often it is easy to show affection to our loved ones, family members and friends. 

We express ourselves through patience, hugs, pats on the back and kind words.

For most, it is more challenging to show the same respect, time, energy and love to ourselves.

Often negative talk fills our brain space and contributes to how we view ourselves, what we think we can accomplish and how we feel about ourselves and our place in the world around us.

This month, I challenge YOU to be your best friend and sow yourself the same patience, respect and words of affection. 
Talk to yourself as you speak to your best friend, out loud or mentally.   

If you recognize yourself as being critical or having negative head chatter, ask yourself: would I say such a thing to my best friend?

If the answer is no, then why would you say it to yourself?

Marisa Peer, the author of I Am Enough, says, "first you make your beliefs, and then your beliefs make you." 

The things we say to ourselves, positive or negative, become how we see ourselves, our abilities, and how we feel we fit into the world. 

This month, I encourage you to show some self-love with kindness, respect and patience in how you speak to yourself in your head  

If you would like to show yourself some self-care via a massage therapy
session, don't hesitate to reach out at

'Til next time!

Monika, RMT
VitalEssence Living Massage Therapy & Self-Care Education
Serving Airdrie and surrounding areas.


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